As there are soo many women who desire to make their booties bigger, lots and lots of products have been launched, claiming to make your butt bigger. There are creams, lotions and bigger butt pills. Do any of these products work? I have made a little research and in this post I am going to try explain what these supplements are and if they work or not.
If you make a search for Bigger Butt Pills you will find a lot of flashy products, pills, creams, lotions and more. They all feature a photo of a woman with a big, sexy and well rounded booty and they promise you to look the same in a matter of a few montsh or even weeks. In some cases there are before and after photos as well, showing you just how much your butt will grow if take the pills. Furthermore there are Customer reviews from people who claim to have acheived great results. Soo they must work, don't they?
Unfortunately it is not quite that simple. The market for this kind of products is unregulated. That means that no pharmacephtical tests has been done to them. And this means that there are no guarantees that they will give any results at all or that there are no side effects when using them. Often they are claimed to be made of only natural ingredients but this no guarantee that the product is safe to use.
But how about the Customer Reviews? Are they also fake? Do people make false claims of their results and in that case, why? The thing is, it is easy to do fake reviews or you can even pay people to publish fake reviews. So Customer reviews can not be trusted. You might be able to find reviews on an external website but make sure you check the website's credentials carefully before you consider to use it.
Soo you can not know if these pills are safe to use or if they give any results at all. Rather than just trusting your intuition you should consult your physician and ask him/her for advice before even buying the product in question.
What are these pills made of and how are they claimed to work?
Bigger Butt Pills does not contain anything which favor muscle growth. However they often contain hormones which will according to the fabricant favor the addition of fat on certain parts of the body such as the buttocks. This can however cause an hormonical imbalance in the body which can be dangerous. Hormones should only be prescribed by a doctor.
Please note that the image to the left is an only an example of what a package of "bigger butt pills" may look like. This post is not about this or any products in particular.
Also , some other pill’s might contain substances which are either toxic and therefore should not be consumed at all or contain substances which generally harmless in moderate quantities but which could be dangerous in large quantities. This is often the case with products which are labelled "Natural". They often contain ingredients which in their natural state are harmless but which are dangerous in high concentrations.
Saw palmetto, fenugreek, maca powder, wild yam and aguaje fruit are some of the ingredients which are used in Bigger Butt Pills. There are unfortunately absolutely no evidence that these products will make your butt bigger bigger. There is a lot of hype around Maca Powder for example and Maca Powder can give the effect of increased Estrogen which can be the cause of cancer.
So to summarize, Bigger Butt Pills is not something I can reccommend. There are no evidence that they will work and there are some concerns of safety of using them. If you would like to try them anyway then make sure to consult your doctor before doing so. A big, well shaped booty is desirable but it is in no case worth risking your health for. There is however another way of increasing the size of your booty which is completely safe, effective and good for your health. It does require a little effort and patience though.
What I am talking about is of course, Exercise. A great butt building exercise program, that is a program which concentrate exclusively on your booty will give you the results you long for. It is does require a little patience and effort on your part but it will be worth it. Increased muscle mass in your buttocks will make it bigger, rounder and firmer. This coupled with a good diet and you are well on your way to getting a really sexy butt.
To get you started you can find some exercises in this post: 8 Best Exercises for a Bigger, Firmer Butt
and as a good diet is equally important when it comes to butt building you could also take a look at this post: Foods for a Bigger Butt which will give you some simple advice on what foods you need to eat in order to get your booty to grow.
Finally if you really are serious about getting a bigger, sexier booty (and I bet you are since you are reading this post) I can reccommend an exercise program called Unlock Your Glutes. It is a specific program designed to make your glutes bigger and stronger in the shortest possible time. It contains a great number of effective exercises which can performed in the gym or at home using little or no equipment.
This program is made up of one manual explaining everything you need to know in detail and it also contains pictures of all the exercises in the program. All together there are 36 different butt exercises.
Then there are two coaching videos. One "home edition" and one "gym edition" showing how to do the exercises at home or in the gym. All 36 exercises have filmed so you can see exactly how it is done.
Unlock Your Glutes retails for only 17 dollars and comes with a 60 day money back guarantee. So you can buy the product, try it out and if you are not satisfied you will get a full refund. So there is absolutely nothing to loose.
So Get Unlock Your Glutes HERE
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